The Darkness and the Moss Between the Cracks of the Pavement, 2020
The Darkness and the Moss Between the Cracks of the Pavement, 2020

Latex, Glow in the dark powder, acrylic paints, UV torch
@ Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany for Pilotenkueche

Surrounding works by:

Jacqueline Huskisson and Margo Van Rooyen

Photography by Natacha Martins

Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-80.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-82.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-83.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-84.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-85.jpg
The Darkness and the Moss Between the Cracks of the Pavement, 2020
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-80.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-82.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-83.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-84.jpg
Almost Tension installation view, Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany  photo- Natacha MartIns for PILOTENKUECHE-85.jpg
The Darkness and the Moss Between the Cracks of the Pavement, 2020

Latex, Glow in the dark powder, acrylic paints, UV torch
@ Alte Handelsschule, Leipzig, Germany for Pilotenkueche

Surrounding works by:

Jacqueline Huskisson and Margo Van Rooyen

Photography by Natacha Martins

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